Cristian Melone

Cristian Melone.

President of the association "Appunti per un Musical" in Italy, association of writers dedicated to the development of new musicals, that aims to cooperate in a multicultural and multinational environment.
Author of the Musical "Notes for a Musical" that is currently in development stage.

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Who I am

Passionate author and musician at night, the day I work as developer in the Information Technology field


The passion to tell tales, make me develop during the years an unconditional love for writing and I take always...Notes


Since when I was 11, I studied classical guitar, and then I developed the needs to write my own music.

Information Technology

In the "non artistic" life I'm a software developer in Information Technology field


Following the projects where I'm involved

Notes for a Musical

Musical based on original libretto, with original music, english site coming soon

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